Chapter 10


The Copy Ninja sped quickly toward the main gate. He knew he was very late. This was bad, though normally it wouldn't have bothered him. He often made his chunin wait around for hours, eventually showing up with a flimsy reason for his tardiness.

Truthfully, it amused him.

A lot of missions involved long periods of waiting around. Kakashi liked to think of it as 'extra training'. Besides, they couldn't exactly start a mission without him anyway. Soriya, on the other hand, would have no compunction about going ahead alone.

When he left her at Ibiki's compound, he had truly intended to be on time. Or at least, only five to ten minutes late. But when the Copy Ninja arrived at his apartment, a technician was waiting outside the door. Kakashi's air conditioner had been on the fritz for weeks, and he really wanted it fixed. Though it was still early summer and not very humid, that would change before too much longer. Soon, the heat would be sweltering, making his small apartment nigh unbearable. He let the man in, not anticipating it would take as long as it had. He was an hour and a half late by the time the work to repair the unit was completed.

He had little hope Soriya was still cooling her heels at the main gate. Arriving at the eight meter-high doors, he searched for any sign of the kunoichi. A group of kids were playing under some trees, drawing figures in the dirt with sticks. One of the children, a dark-haired boy, looked curiously at the masked shinobi.

“Hey, ninja-san,” he called out. “Are you looking for a lady with long, red hair?”

Kakashi strolled over to the group, hands in pockets. He kept his face and posture relaxed, so as not to frighten the children. Although, if they lived nearby, they were probably used to seeing ninja come and go.

“Why, yes. Have you seen her?”

“Yeah. She left a message for you. She said to tell you she was going on ahead and you should 'get a move on and try to catch up'.” He observed the masked shinobi keenly, interested to see his reaction to the cheeky message.

“Did she?” He rubbed his jaw before asking, “Did she seem angry?”

“Nah. More like resigned.”

“How long ago did she leave?”

“She waited about twenty minutes, then asked us to give you the message,” the boy answered. “She figured you'd be along in an hour or so. Looks like she knows you pretty well.”

“Ah, you could say that,” Kakashi rubbed the back of his head wryly. Waving his thanks, he turned toward the gate.

Tiger Falls lay about three hours northeast of the village. Soriya had just over an hour on him. If he hurried, he might be able to catch her before she attempted the jump. It was too great a distance to translocate, even if he had known the terrain around the falls well enough to risk it. Inwardly cursing the irony of the situation, the elite jonin took off, running quickly and silently through the forest.

Two hours and forty minutes later, the Copy Ninja threaded his way through the trees on the south side of Tiger River. He could hear the roar of the falls up ahead. Of Soriya, there was no sign, though he knew she must be very near. Leaping to the limb of a large chestnut overlooking fast-flowing water, the elite jonin spied a pale figure clad in a black two-piece swim suit. Poised on a flat rock, the kunoichi stood amidst the rushing water at the very edge of the falls. His eye focused on the long ponytail trailing down her back. It lay flat, the hair dark and heavy with water. Relaxing slightly, he watched as she raised slender arms perpendicular to her body. She'd made the jump at least once already, he guessed.

Looks like she survived it.

Before he could call out to her, she pushed off the rock, launching into a graceful pike above the water. She seemed to hover a moment, lithe body unfolding into a long, slim line, before slicing cleanly into the rushing spray. Kakashi thought he saw the kunoichi's hands begin the seals of a jutsu, but lost sight of her almost immediately. Heart pounding, he hurried his cliffside descent leaping recklessly from tree to tree. As he neared the river basin below, the shinobi glimpsed a curious phenomenon. Down the center of the gushing flow, a bubble-like area about two meters across and four meters in length seemed to be moving at roughly a quarter of the speed of the rest of the flow. The strange bubble merged abruptly with the violently foaming water at the bottom of the falls, disappearing before he could examine it more closely.

Anxious, the Copy Ninja waited for Soriya to surface. The seconds ticked by. Just when he was really starting to worry, her dark head finally appeared fifty meters from the base of the waterfall. He thought he heard laughter, but the roar of crashing water drowned out the sound.

Steadily, with strong, sure strokes, the kunoichi swam for the grassy north bank. The south bank was rocky, with small pebbles and jagged stones littering the ground. As Soriya reached the edge of the basin, Kakashi picked a spot on the far shore, hands signing the translocation jutsu. He vanished, reappearing beside the breathless kunoichi.

She lay flat on her back, chest heaving, as she waited to recover breath and strength. Far from being surprised at his sudden appearance, she offered a slight flip of her hand in greeting.

“Enjoy the show?” she inquired, voice not quite steady after her exertion.

Inwardly, he winced. He wondered how long she'd been waiting, poised on the rock, for his arrival. She had probably known the instant he'd entered the area. He scrutinized her wet, shivering form, covered only by the swim suit and a kunai sheath strapped to her right thigh. The water's chill caused her nipples to protrude stiffly against the thin material of the zippered bikini top. Desire flashed through him like lightning, but he forced the feeling aside. He remembered he was annoyed with her.

“I seem to recall you promising me not to take unnecessary risks with your life,” he pointed out mildly, crossing his arms. Sighing dramatically, he shook his head. “Oh, how quickly they forget.”

The kunoichi sat up, arching an elegant brow. Hugging bent knees to her chest with goosebump-covered arms, she deflected the rebuke. “Eh, it really wasn't that difficult. Or dangerous, if you know what you're doing. Besides,” she added, shooting him a challenging glare, “you were late. As usual.”

“True,” the silver-haired shinobi conceded. It was difficult to stay annoyed with her when all he really wanted to do was take up the challenge by kissing her senseless. He looked around to distract himself, spotting a backpack, towel, and Soriya's clothes under a clump of ferns. The crossbow was also present, concealed in its holster. He strolled over to the pile, picking up the towel. Tossing it to her, he added ingenuously, “But it wasn't my fault. You see, this technician was waiting at my apartment when I got home--”

Soriya waved him off, wrapping the towel around her shoulders as she stood. “Save it. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto may have to listen to your lame excuses because they're your students.” She walked over to him, mouth curving up in a slow smile. He swallowed as she leaned in close, face filling his vision. “Fortunately,” she murmured, lashes lowering seductively as her head tipped back, “you are not the boss of me.” With that pronouncement, she tossed her head, moving past the Copy Ninja toward her belongings, ponytail saucily flicking water at him in her wake.

Letting out the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, Kakashi turned to watch the kunoichi as she dried herself with the towel. He couldn't decide if he wanted to kiss her or spank her.

Which is probably what she intended.

Slowly, he counted to ten in his head. Then did it again. Eyeing the position of the sun as it drifted lower in the sky, he decided to postpone those thoughts for later. Daylight was becoming precious.

“I deserved that, I guess.” He shrugged. “So. How many times have you been over?” he asked, nodding toward the waterfall.

“This was the third time,” she replied, grin nearly splitting her face. The transient dimple appeared beside her mouth as she explained excitedly, “It's gotten easier. The trick is in controlling the viscosity of the water surrounding me so that the acceleration from the fall is slowed. Also, it's important not to try to manipulate too much of the flow. I overreached a bit the first time,” she admitted, wincing slightly. Kakashi decided he really didn't want to know the details.

Seeing his look, she rushed on, “Listen. Tiger Falls is one hundred and twenty-two meters high, so it normally takes only five seconds to hit bottom. But I can manipulate the flow of the water, quadrupling the amount of time it takes. Force equals mass times acceleration. The force of impact on the body is still high, but survivable if one hits the water cleanly.” She paused, considering.

“Now, Ganji Falls is two hundred and eight meters high. That means the drop takes, um,” she calculated in her head, “about six and a half seconds. But the energy from the fall is greater because velocity is greater. Akira would have needed to slow his entering speed even more to survive. Not easy, but still doable, from my experience here,” she concluded.

“And you've taken into account Ryuji's added weight? Increase the mass and the force of impact increases,” Kakashi reminded her.

“True...but I think in this case, the energy created by hitting the water is applied evenly to both people.” She frowned, puzzling through the math. After a moment, she shrugged. “I think it's tricky, but manageable. There's one sure way to find out. Let's try it.”

Kakashi sighed. “I just knew you were going to say that.” He shook his head, offering a resigned smile from behind his mask. “Okay, I'll play.”

Removing his backpack, the Copy Ninja stripped off his green vest, removing several kunai hidden in various spots on his person. He kept the sheath strapped to his right thigh. Though his body was itself a formidable weapon, he never liked going about unarmed. It was a habit that had kept him alive more times than he could count. Moving to pull the midnight blue undershirt over his head, he hesitated.

“Are we alone here?” he asked the kunoichi. “I didn't see or sense anyone when I arrived, but you probably have more range than I.”

Closing gray eyes, Soriya was silent for several moments. Kakashi felt her chakra flare as she scanned the surrounding terrain. Eventually, she opened her eyes, blinking in the sunlight as dilated pupils returned to normal.

“Not a soul around, as far as I can tell. The nearest village is several miles downstream. The people living there rarely have need to venture this far upriver. There are much easier paths to neighboring villages.”

“Good.” Kakashi tugged the shirt with its attached mask over his head, discarding it in a pile with the rest of his equipment. His hand went to the headband slanted across his brow.

“Mind if I observe your jutsu? It may come in handy at some point.”

“Sure,” she assented gamely as he removed the thin strip of fabric. “Let's hurry before we lose the light,” she urged. “I've got chakra enough for one, possibly two more tries before I have to rest.”

Not wanting to spend chakra on a translocation jutsu, the two shinobi began the climb back up the cliff face. Soriya led, having made the trip twice already. She moved easily through the tree canopy where it was dense, slowing occasionally to cross bare stretches of rock and earth. As they approached the top, the two jonin resorted to pulling themselves hand over hand up the rocky terrain. Upon gaining the summit, Soriya walked upstream a short distance, glancing back at Kakashi. He looked calmly over the drop, keeping his left eye closed. The unveiled Sharingan sapped his strength; he wanted to wait until the last moment before activating it.

Soriya turned to him, hands on hips. “Okay. Akira and Ryuji probably went into the water together, so I think you should hold onto me as we go over. We'll get in down here and let the current carry us. Whatever you do, don't let go,” she admonished. “I'm not exactly sure how far out I can influence the water flow, so it's best we not get separated.”

Kakashi walked toward her, noting as he did so that she seemed to be fighting to keep her gaze on his face. He smiled inwardly. Deciding she deserved a bit of teasing, he locked his arms around her back, pulling her tightly against him.

“Close enough?” he asked, a slow smile spreading across his lips at the kunoichi's startled gasp. She flushed, palms resting flat against his skin. He enjoyed seeing the effect his closeness had on her. But almost immediately, Kakashi realized the flaw in his plan, as his trousers became uncomfortably tight. She was certainly affecting him as well. Struggling to focus on the business at hand, he blinked when she tried to get his attention.

“Kakashi? Um, I think it would be better if you were behind me,” she instructed. “My hands need to be unimpeded to form the signs or we'll both die.” She arched an eyebrow at him.

Banishing the image her phrasing conjured in his mind, he remarked dryly, “Well, we can't have that now, can we?” Loosening his hold, the Copy Ninja swallowed a groan as she turned in his embrace, pressing her bottom against him. He could swear she wiggled slightly, just to torment him.


“Let's just get on with this,” he rasped. I have much more interesting things I want to be doing. To you.

She must have caught the errant thought because she paused, relaxing in his arms momentarily. Then, drawing a deep breath, she dove forward, dragging them both into the cold, rushing river. Kakashi's thoughts sharpened to keeping his head above water, while maintaining the grip of his clasped hands around the kunoichi's waist. The fast-moving current swiftly carried them to the edge of the cliff. Inhaling a huge lungful of air, the Copy Ninja's left eye opened, activating the Sharingan. Then gravity took control and they were falling.

Concentrating on Soriya's hands running through the succession of seals, Kakashi's grip tightened almost painfully as the Water Slowing jutsu took hold around them. Mentally, he counted off twenty-five seconds, before the light vanished abruptly as they plunged into the river basin. Although it was deep, the Copy Ninja's feet touched bottom. Bending his knees, he pushed upward immediately, trying to clear the base of the falls. Soriya's voice sounded in his mind.

Let go.

He released her and she drifted to his side, easily pacing him as they kicked their way to the surface.

Popping out of the water, she let out a whoop. “That was fantastic! I knew it would work!” she exclaimed, eyes bright.

Kakashi smiled at her enthusiasm. “It does seem to work quite well,” he agreed. “The hand seals are simple enough. The trick lies in maintaining one's concentration while falling, I would guess.”

“Huh.” A teasing look crossed her face as she treaded water. “And here I thought it was my superior ninjutsu skill.”

He snorted in response, then had to splash backwards as Soriya discreetly signed a one-handed jutsu, swamping him with a sudden wave. Hooting with laughter, she turned for shore, arms and legs pumping furiously.

Wiping water from his face, the Copy Ninja quickly pursued, swimming after her in smooth, even strokes. Soriya was a strong swimmer and had a head start, but he had a longer reach. Just as she was a body's length from the grassy bank, Kakashi's hand closed around her ankle. The sudden halt of forward motion caused the kunoichi's head to submerge as he got his other hand on her knee, yanking her backwards. She rolled over, coughs interspersed with giggling as she half-heartedly struggled in his grasp.

“Think that's funny, do you?” He hauled her to him. She was laughing and coughing so violently, she could only hang weakly in his arms, ponytail trailing in the water. “The look on your face--” she gasped, breaking out in peals of silvery laughter once more.

Amused, Kakashi tucked her against his side as he pushed forward to shore. He supposed he should get her out of the water before she drowned. She was still giggling when he dragged them both up onto the gently sloped bank. He flopped down beside her still-quaking form while she endeavored to stifle her mirth.

“Sorry,” she offered insincerely, luminous eyes shining. “I couldn't resist, and you just look so surprised.” A wide grin split her face and the transitory dimple appeared. He thought she might burst into laughter all over again. Forestalling her, the Copy Ninja rolled, pinning her under the length of his body. Bracing hands on either side of the redhead's shoulders, he stared down at her. Startled gray eyes flew to his face.

“It's not that I don't enjoy the sound of your laughter,” he began huskily. He watched her wide-eyed gaze drop to his mouth, lips parting in anticipation. He lowered his face slowly. “But right now, what I really want to hear are the sounds of your moans as I bring you.”

Kakashi felt a surge of purely male satisfaction as she shivered beneath him, eyes darkening at his bold words. Closing the last of the distance between them, he kissed her thoroughly, cradling her face in his hands. Absorbed in the feel and taste of her, he plundered her mouth relentlessly, until the need to breathe intruded. Pulling back, he perused her kiss-swollen lips and closed eyes. Her breasts heaved against his chest. He noticed his own breathing was none too steady.

Nudging her legs apart, Kakashi settled between them, eyes raking over her bikini-clad form. Trailing his right hand down a pale shoulder to her breast, his thumb brushed lightly over the nipple pressing against its thin black covering. Soriya squirmed underneath him as goosebumps danced along her flesh.

“Kakashi...” she sighed, arching into his hand in an attempt to elicit a firmer touch.

“Patience,” he told her, lips nipping at the underside of her jaw. “Let me warm you up first.” Kissing down the slender throat, he let his teeth drag lightly against her skin. The water had been cool and he could tell she liked the heat of his mouth on her flesh. Running his tongue around the scooped border of her swim top, he focused on the zipper. Taking the flat, metal pull between his teeth, he tossed her a devilish look as he slowly tugged it downward, revealing wet, ivory skin an inch at a time. Soriya watched through slitted eyes as the catch at the bottom came undone.

The wet material clung to her, so Kakashi teasingly peeled back the fabric exposing a pert left breast. The nipple stood at attention and he delicately puffed warm breath against the rosy tip. Soriya's eyes closed at the sensation and he felt her inhale a deep breath. She released it in a rush a moment later as his mouth closed on her. Sucking and rolling the firm flesh against his tongue and teeth, he bit down lightly, drawing a moan from her throat.

The kunoichi's hands tangled in wet, silver hair holding him in place. Kakashi freed her other breast from confinement, fondling it lovingly before sliding his fingers up her forearms to capture her wrists. Deftly unwinding the hands from his hair, he laced his fingers with her own. Leaning forward, he placed them beside her head. She wriggled, pressing upward against him in excitement. He was about to kiss her again when his attention was caught by bruises on the flesh of her upper arms.

Soriya, sensing his hesitation, followed the direction of his gaze. “'S okay,” she murmured. “One could say you were given cause.”

“That's no excuse for hurting you.” Grudgingly, Kakashi confessed, “My control is not what it should be where you're concerned.” He kissed the finger-shaped imprints on the inner skin of her right arm, laving the bruised flesh with his tongue.

Soriya commented idly, “Is this a good time to tell you I've some more of your finger marks on my hips from yesterday?”

Kakashi pulled back to look at her. “Truly? Hmm... There is definitely something about you that plays havoc with my self-control.” Shifting his attention to her left arm, he tended to the purple imprints there.

“Don't worry,” Soriya demurred, voice low and throaty. “I liked it.”

“Yes, well...” he trailed off, mouth traveling down her body, stopping to suckle the breast neglected earlier. “You'll forgive me...” he kissed along the line of her lowest rib, licking down the flat stomach to her belly button, “if I insist on assessing the damage personally.” Strong hands closed around her hips, fingers curling under the waistband of the boy-short bikini bottoms. Leaning back on his haunches, he tugged the material down under her hipbones. Carefully, he spread his fingers over the faint purple marks marring the pale flesh.

“I don't even remember doing this,” he admitted sheepishly.

“You were fairly distracted,” she looked at him with heat in her eyes, “but then again, so was I.”

Kakashi gazed at her wanton expression. Suddenly, he yearned to do anything to keep that look on her face. Smiling lazily, he pulled the swim bottoms slowly down her thighs. The suit caught briefly on her kunai sheath, and she obligingly raised her leg so he could ease the material down over her foot. Wrapping his fingers around her ankle, he pressed a kiss to the inner skin there, lips smoothing a path back up her calf to the inside of her knee. He left the fabric dangling on her other ankle, engaged in bathing the back of her knee with his tongue.

Inhaling through parted lips, Soriya's stomach tightened at the heightened intensity. Honeysuckle fragrance and that secret, musky scent that was uniquely her own swirled around Kakashi. He inhaled deeply, attention captured by the small triangle of reddish hair at the apex of her legs. He swallowed, desire pulsing in his veins. Sliding hands slowly up her thighs, he mouthed the skin over her femoral artery, applying teeth and tongue alternately. She watched him from beneath lowered lashes, and his Sharingan picked up the increased pounding of the pulse at the base of her throat.

“You know,” he mused, voice like velvet, “there is something I'm curious about.”

“W-what's that?”

His mouth curved upwards in a sensual smile at her breathy stutter. “I wonder,” he purred, “if you taste as good as you smell?”

He chuckled low in his throat as her lips rounded into an “o”. Kissing down the inside of her thigh, he settled himself between her legs. The kunoichi rose up on her elbows to see him, breath quickening. Kakashi gave her a wicked smile, exhaling lightly against sensitive flesh. She swallowed audibly as he draped his left arm across her lower belly, pushing her leg down to the side. Skillful fingers teased the moist red curls, while his other hand skimmed over the skin of her left thigh. His fingers settled against her knee, urging her to open to him.

Holding her wide-eyed gaze, he parted her delicately, leaning in to give a long, slow lick to feminine flesh. Involuntarily, her eyes closed, hips rocking forward into the press of his lips and tongue. Pleased with her response, he licked her again, drawing a whimper from the back of her throat. Stroking silken flesh slowly and deeply, he paused to murmur huskily against her skin, “Delectable,” before resuming his intimate caress.

He felt the tension rise in her body as she fell back, hands fisting in the soft grass. That she could lie trusting, splayed out under him, letting him pleasure her this way sent a rush of desire straight to his groin. Concentrating on the small nerve bundle that was quickly swelling under his attentive caresses, he drew it gently into his mouth. Swirling his tongue over the sensitive flesh, he had to steady himself as Soriya writhed under him, whimpers becoming moans.

He was drowning. Drowning in the scent and taste of her.

Yet it wasn't enough.

He wanted to hear and feel her come apart under him, his slow, deliberate touches pushing her over the edge. Withdrawing his right hand from its place on her knee, he slid one finger, then a second, into her warmth. She cried out, hips thrusting against him frantically, uncontrollably. Hands flew to silver hair, tugging him impossibly closer. Kakashi rubbed his tongue against her more insistently, long fingers stroking in and out of her body. She bucked as wildly as the pressure from his forearm would allow, inner muscles clamping down on him tightly.

Suddenly, she jerked, his name exploding from her lips in an ecstatic gasp. Giant, rippling quakes rocked her body, forcing a loud, keening cry from her throat. Kakashi rode out the storm while she spasmed around him, her fingers clenching and unclenching in his hair.

Eventually, she quieted, releasing him as her hands fell limply back to her sides. Giving a last, slow lick to quivering flesh, he kissed his way back up her trembling body, hand quickly undoing the fastenings of his trousers. He was so aroused, he could hardly stand it, straining against the fabric. He freed himself, not bothering to undress fully, the passion of her response driving him.

Sensing his need, Soriya lifted shaky hips to meet him. He plunged into her deeply, too frenzied to be gentle. She accepted all of him, wrapping arms and legs around him tightly. Dropping to his elbows, he cupped her face in his hands.

Gods, how he loved this woman! He couldn't get close enough. Leaning forward, he devoured her mouth, tongue plunging inside to mimic the motion of his body. When the need to breathe forced him to pull away, he saw that her gray eyes were fully dilated.

She gasped suddenly, velvet warmth tightening as his passion flooded through her, igniting sensitive nerve endings. He groaned at the increased friction, pushing into her desperately. He was close, so close.

Wrapping his arms around her, his face dropped to the soft skin above her collarbone, drawing it into his mouth. She whimpered under him, voice a small cry against his ear. Suddenly, her chakra flared, enveloping them both in pulsating white light. Abruptly, the familiar tingling rush began, zinging like lightning down his length until it engulfed him whole.

The strength of the orgasm shocked him. With a strangled groan, he bit down on the flesh against his mouth. Soriya, riding the coat tails of his release, arched suddenly, wailing as lightning spilled over, shattering her into pieces all over again.

Panting harshly, Kakashi sank down against her, unable to speak as he gradually descended from the heights. Eventually, he summoned the strength to raise his head, staring down at the dazed expression on his lover's face.

“What was that?” he asked, awe threading his voice. He noticed her pupils were once again their normal size.

Soriya's lips curved into a satisfied smile. “Oh, just a little something I've been wanting to try. Tapping into strong emotions, like lust, has always been easy for me. But I've never tried projecting the sensations back. It worked quite well, don't you think?”

“Amazingly well,” he agreed, tracing a finger lightly over the teeth marks imprinted on her shoulder. “The sheer power of it caught me by surprise. I'm afraid I've marked you again.”

“Just add it to my collection,” she grinned. “If anyone notices, we can say it's from a wild animal.” She laughed at his look of chagrin. “But I think the clothing I brought will hide it well enough.”

Her stomach chose that moment to growl loudly. Kakashi chuckled as the kunoichi flushed in embarrassment.

“Let me clean up, then I'll fix us something to eat,” he offered, lifting himself from her. Sitting back, he unstrapped the kunai sheath from his right thigh. He wanted to take a quick bath before changing into dry clothing.

As he stripped, Soriya sat up, limbs suddenly trembling with exhaustion. She shrugged the remnants of her swimsuit off her shoulders and ankle, idly watching as Kakashi dove into the water. With shaking hands, she reached up, undoing the heavy ponytail at the crown of her head, easing the tension on her scalp.

Having washed away the evidence of their exertions, the Copy Ninja climbed out onto the bank. Going to his backpack, he rifled through it for a towel. Quickly drying himself, he donned a spare pair of trousers and the rest of his clothing. Replacing the headband over his left eye, he left the lower mask down around his neck for the moment. He glanced over at Soriya while he secured the damp kunai sheath to his thigh. Hunched under the red cloak of her hair, she sat nude on the edge of the bank.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.” She shook herself slightly. “Just waiting for my arms to stop shaking so I can go for a quick dip.”

He smiled. “Yes, it's probably best if you take care of that yourself. If I help, we may never get dinner.”

Soriya chuckled softly. “Honestly, I doubt I could muster the energy. That last just about wiped me out.”

Scooting down to the shore's edge, she slid in carefully, letting the water take her weight. Floating languidly, long tresses drifting, Soriya raised her upturned face to the darkening sky. She hadn't realized just how drained and bone-weary she was. Wisely, she stayed close to the bank, wrapped in the cool water's soothing embrace.

She felt so very heavy.

Even the delicate skin of her eyelids seemed too great a weight to bear. Long lashes grazed pale cheeks. Suddenly, the Copy Ninja's voice broke in, startling her.

“Hey.” He walked to the water's edge. “Don't fall asleep in there. I didn't bring another change of clothes,” he joked. “What is it with you and water, anyway?”

Coughing, the kunoichi managed to croak out, “Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.”

Kakashi looked at her more carefully, not liking what he saw.

Chakra-drain. She looks like she's freezing. The water's not that cold.

He waited until she touched shore, then went in search of his spare towel. He had to get her warm, before shock set in.

Soriya hoisted herself onto land gracelessly, slowly standing on unsteady legs. Kakashi got to her just as her knees buckled, saving her from tumbling backwards into the water or face-first into the grass.

“No walking for you,” he stated calmly, scooping the redhead up in his arms. It was a measure of her great fatigue that she didn't even argue with him. That, in itself, worried him. He carried her to the small clearing at the top of the bank. Settling the kunoichi under the shelter of a large tree, Kakashi wrapped the towel around her, scrutinizing her weary face.

“I don't like this. You've been pushing yourself too hard, too soon. We should've waited an extra day before making this trip.”

“Didn't want to wait,” she mumbled stubbornly. “Something's going to happen. I can feel it. We've got to be ready.” Her head drooped, resting on bent knees, as she hugged her legs tightly to her body. If only she weren't so cold...

Moving around the clearing, the Copy Ninja started a small fire with the aid of a minor fire jutsu. Though the temperature was comfortably warm now, he knew it would drop overnight. He need to get some warmth into her before the chakra drain triggered hypothermia.

Heating fresh water in a small pot over the flame, he brewed a strong tea. Filling a metal cup with it, he added a healthy dose of amber liquid from a flask secreted in the bottom of his backpack. Crouching down in front of the unusually quiescent redhead, Kakashi wrapped her hands firmly around the warm vessel.

“Drink this,” he directed, noting how cold her fingers felt. He was alarmed to see her lips had a bluish tinge. Leaving her with the beverage, he moved to her backpack, rummaging through it for warmer clothes.

Hands shaking, Soriya lifted the cup to her lips, attempting a small swallow. The hot drink burned a fiery path down her throat and she choked in surprise. “What did you put in here?” she asked, eyes watering.

Kakashi winked mischievously. “Oh, just something to warm you up.” In a more exasperated tone, he asked, “Don't you have anything in here that actually covers you?”

“You didn't seem to mind earlier,” she pointed out. “It's early summer. I didn't pack for cold weather.” Sipping her drink more cautiously, she rolled the liquid around in her mouth before swallowing. The spiked tea was slightly spicy, tasting of orange blossoms and alcohol. But most importantly, it was hot. She sampled it again before declaring, “Mmm. Yummy.”

Kakashi dropped a bundle of clothing at her feet. He was pleased to see the color returning to her cheeks.

“Finish that, then get dressed. You can wrap yourself in my blanket while I make dinner.”

She could tell he was slightly disgruntled with her. He tended to be somewhat overprotective; it had been one of their most frequent quarrels when she was genin. He felt she took too many unnecessary risks. Ibiki-sensei had accused her of the same, and had tried to break the kunoichi of the habit through several grueling training exercises. Grudgingly, she conceded they might be right, though she'd be damned if she'd admit it out loud. She must be getting old.

Huh. Washed up at twenty-four.

She hadn't thought she would feel so drained after a little water ninjutsu.

Well, there was that last.

Her toes curled. Projecting onto someone was certainly more draining than merely absorbing from them.

Ah, but it was definitely worth it.

She smiled.

Kakashi turned from checking the fire. “Something amusing?”

“Just thinking pleasant thoughts,” she replied easily. She wanted to ask him what he was making, but when she opened her mouth, a huge yawn emerged instead. He arched a silver brow at her. “Sorry,” she mumbled from behind her hand. “I'm really pretty beat.”

Setting the empty cup down beside her, she reached for the pile of clothing. Kakashi went back to his cooking, remarking, “You can sleep after we eat. I'll take the first watch. Not that I expect anything to happen here. This area is generally pretty quiet.”

“And since the 'new me' is making an effort to be more sensible when it comes to my health, I won't even argue with you,” she offered generously.

He snorted. Privately, he determined he'd let her sleep through the night. He was better-rested and could afford the loss of sleep. Opting to skip the argument he knew would result, the Copy Ninja merely nodded when Soriya insisted he wake her after a few hours of rest.

They ate the stew he prepared in companionable silence. He was relieved to see that she appeared less shaky and pale after eating. She also seemed warmer, even though the short black skirt and sleeveless top provided little defense against the cold. He noticed she kept her long-sleeved jacket wrapped tightly around herself, warding off the slight chill in the air.

After dinner, Kakashi offered to scout the surrounding terrain, discreetly allowing the kunoichi time and privacy to relieve herself. Walking back to the fire, Soriya slowly finger-combed heavy tresses. She tied them back in a low, loose ponytail, then spread her bedroll out under the shelter of the chestnut tree, placing Cat's Eye within easy reach. Plopping down onto the bedding, she massaged her temples, waiting for Kakashi's return. The warm glow of the fire was soothing, though she was careful not to stare directly into the flames. Still, her head drooped lower, as she fought a losing battle with fatigue.

“You look like you're about to doze off where you're sitting,” Kakashi observed mildly, approaching from the trees on the other side of camp. “It's all clear around here, so go ahead and get some rest.” Walking over to her, he crouched down, balancing lightly on the balls of his feet.

“Sleep well.”

Cupping her face in his gloved palm, he leaned forward, kissing her softly. Soriya's eyes closed at the gentle press of his lips. When he pulled back, she asked, voice slightly throaty, “Where will you be?”

“Oh, up in that tree over there,” he waved vaguely at the large stand of trees across the clearing. “I've got a book, so I'm all set.”

“Hmm. A book, you say?” With amused curiosity, she inquired, “Dare I ask the title?”

Wordlessly, Kakashi pulled the novel from its pouch at his waist. He showed the kunoichi the cover, awaiting her reaction.

“Ah, yes. That's a good one. We should definitely try something like chapter nineteen, don't you think?” Tired gray eyes gleamed up at him wickedly. “Some other time, of course, when I have more energy.”

He flushed, mouth dropping open in surprise. “You—how did you--? Oh, never mind.” Kakashi shook his head. She was going to be the death of him, he was sure of it. Pulling his lower mask into place over his mouth and nose, the Copy Ninja stood, looking down at her.

“We'll continue this discussion later, I promise you. Now go to sleep.”

She chuckled softly, tucking herself into the bedroll as he leapt to his chosen tree. Lying on her side, head pillowed on her right arm, the kunoichi was asleep in moments.

From his perch, the elite jonin watched the lines of fatigue smooth themselves from her face. She really was beautiful, even when she slept. Glancing briefly around the immediate area with amplified senses, Kakashi propped his book open in his lap, angling it toward the light of the fire. Calling chakra to supplement his night vision, he turned the pages.

Let's see...chapter nineteen...

Soriya leaned against the porch railing, reveling in the glow of her adopted family's happiness. Yori and Izumi sat on the bench swing under a flowering cherry, Yori's arm draped protectively around his wife's shoulders. The baby, Sumiko, gurgled contentedly, wrapped in her mother's embrace. Full, pink blossoms surrounded them, beautiful and delicate in the afternoon sunlight.

Soriya smiled, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the setting. A slight breeze picked up, rustling the branches of the tree and strands of her hair. Blossoms stirred, loosing colorful petals that drifted gently downward, surrounding the happy couple.

A feeling of unease crept over the kunoichi.

The flowers surrounding Yori, Izumi, and the baby fell faster, obscuring them in a virtual waterfall of pink. Yori's voice sounded from within the rose-colored shroud.

“Soriya, have you seen Iori? He was here just a moment ago.”

A sliver of dread chased its way down her spine. Soriya stood, anxiously scanning the area for any sign of her nephew. A wooden toy caught her eye. The wagon Yori had made for his son lay discarded at the edge of the forest, a wheel broken and cast aside. Hurrying over, the telepath pushed senses outward, desperately seeking any trace of the child.

A hint of a presence came from deep within the trees. Without hesitation, she plunged into the forest, racing madly toward the faint, unfamiliar signature. As she gained ground on the strange aura, she realized it was not entirely unfamiliar. She'd encountered it once before, in the western reaches behind her house.

Someone had been spying on her, after all.

Suddenly, she became aware of Iori's muted mental signature. Asleep or unconscious, she decided. With a renewed burst of speed, she tore through the trees, disregarding the branches that snagged her hair and clothing. Up ahead, a low rumble quickly escalated to a dull roar, drowning out the sound of the kunoichi's labored breathing.

She broke through the tree line, the source of the roar revealing itself. Ganji Falls stood before her in all its glorious fury, water crashing down hundreds of meters in a huge spray of white. Frantically, she moved upstream along the bank, searching for Iori. She prayed he had not fallen into the river, that she was not too late. Intent on tracking him, the kunoichi was startled by the appearance of a man on the shore.

He looked oddly familiar, with dark, shoulder-length hair, graying at the temples. With a start, Soriya realized she knew him, though he'd aged considerably from photos she'd seen. The strange aura emanated from this man. He stood perfectly still, a slight smile creasing his weathered face. Gray eyes, flickering with an eerie light, seemed to call to her. Without knowing why, she felt compelled to go to him. She took a tentative step forward. Suddenly, Kakashi appeared at the kunoichi's back.

“Soriya! Don't go with him!”

She hesitated, caught between the two men. Her throat felt tight, her feet rooted to the ground with indecision. She was afraid, but didn't know why. Swallowing past the dryness in her mouth, Soriya glanced from her uncle to the Copy Ninja.

“Come with me,” Akira Kanzin invited, in the same quiet, yet penetrating tone she'd gleaned from Ryuji's mind.

“No! Soriya!” Kakashi called out to her, desperation in his voice.

The wail of a child crested over the roar of the waterfall. The kunoichi's head whipped around to see Iori clasped tightly against her uncle's chest. For one awful moment, Soriya stood, frozen in place. Then the man, smiling apologetically, stepped backward with the child, dropping them both into the rushing flow of the river.

Horror-struck, Soriya reacted without thinking, diving head-first into the water. Kakashi grabbed for her, fingers just grazing the end of her ponytail, snagging a few strands of hair in passing. She heard him scream her name as the water closed over her head.

Kicking furiously, she surfaced midstream, the relentless current dragging her quickly toward the edge of the falls. Struggling to reach Iori, Soriya knew she was not going to get there in time. Desperately, her fingers flew through the water-slowing jutsu, casting it forward just as the kidnapper and his hostage reached the edge. Iori's terrified scream rang in her ears as his small body tumbled over the drop, clutched in the psych-nin's grasp. Pain ripped through her, pulling a scream from her throat...

Snapping awake, Soriya lurched upright, fist pressed to her chest. Panting heavily, she realized Kakashi's hands rested against her collarbones. Concern thickened his voice.

“Are you okay? You were dreaming again.”

She pushed back the bedroll, struggling to master her emotions. After a moment, Kakashi let his hands drop. She could still feel her heart pounding. She took a deep breath.

“Something's wrong.” She looked up, willing him to understand the gravity of the situation. “We have to go back. Right now. To the village. Iori...” She paused again. Breathe. “Something's happened.”

The Copy Ninja stared at her intently. Then, wasting no time in debate, he stood, moving efficiently about the camp, gathering their few belongings. Soriya stowed the bedroll in her pack, sparing a glance for the faint pink light gracing the eastern horizon. It was just dawn, barely.

Hoisting the pack onto her back, the kunoichi slipped Cat's Eye over her left shoulder, then adjusted the belt at her waist. Turning to the elite jonin, she watched him kick earth over the dying embers of their fire. He met her gaze.

“We can probably make it back in two and a half hours if we push. You up for it?”

She tossed her head, low ponytail snapping in the air. “Let's get going. We may already be too late.” She tried not to let fear creep into her voice, but he heard it anyway. He nodded.

She cast the translocation jutsu, fading out then reappearing on the south bank. She took off at a fast jog, weaving quickly through the dense forest. Kakashi followed a half-second later, loping after her in an easy, long-legged stride.

In moments, only the roar of the waterfall and the stillness of early morning remained.