Chapter 6

Soriya entered the darkened house, senses extended to test the surroundings. A muffled cry sounded from the master bedroom in the back. Racing down the hallway, the kunoichi burst into the room.

Yori, worry clearly etched in his brow, crouched over his pregnant wife. Red-faced and panting, the dark-haired woman lay prone on the bed. Clutching her swollen belly, she seemed to be in the throes of a powerful contraction.


In the process of wiping Izumi's sweaty brow with a damp cloth, Yori jerked in surprise. Relief flooded his face.

“Soriya! Thank the gods you're here! Izumi's in labor, but something's very wrong. I'm afraid to leave her to fetch Dr. Higuri.”

“Don't worry. I've already sent Kakashi. They should be here soon.” Crossing the room, she perched on the other side of Izumi. The pain and fear radiating from the woman was strong, almost tangible.

“Soriya,” she panted harshly, “my water broke a few minutes ago. There was blood in it, and everything's happening too fast... Iori wasn't like this. I'm afraid.” She gasped sharply, cringing, as another contraction ripped through her.

The kunoichi reached out a hand to her forehead, staring into frightened eyes.

“Izumi, look at me,” she cajoled, gray eyes dilating. Vanilla scent rose in the room as Soriya exerted her will on the panicked woman. “I need you to relax. Slow down your breathing. That's it...calm. You are safe here. Yori and I will help you, and the doctor is on the way.” She spoke slowly, projecting tranquility into her friend's agitated mind.

As Izumi's fear quieted, the pain of the contractions lessened to a more manageable degree. Sliding a palm from Izumi's sweat-plastered forehead to her cheek, Soriya soothed, “I'm going to try and sense the baby now. Keep breathing slowly, in and out.”

Holding Izumi's gaze with her own, the kunoichi slipped a hand under the hem of the cotton nightgown, resting it against the curved belly. She could feel the muscles tighten and relax--a rhythm that was clearly increasing in frequency as she timed the contractions.

Not good. I've got to slow this down...

Sending a slender thread of mental energy to the pain center in the laboring woman's brain, Soriya numbed some of the nerve bundles, dampening the pain's apex. Splitting her focus, she projected chakra directly into the womb. Closing her eyes in concentration, Soriya gleaned an image of the fetus. Her fingers tensed against Izumi's swollen abdomen.

The baby's breech. This is bad.

Pulling back mentally, she looked at Yori. “The baby is okay, but in the breech position. We have to keep her from pushing until the doctor gets here. I can manage this for awhile, but you should get towels, hot water, and antiseptic ready, just in case. I've got to maintain physical contact with her at all times. Do you understand?”

Yori's face was pale and frightened, but all he said was, “I'll get everything ready. It'll just be a minute.” Hurriedly, he left the room to gather the requested items.

Soriya smiled comfortingly at Izumi, emanating calm.

“It's going to be okay.”

Come on, Kakashi. Don't let me down.

The Copy Ninja appeared suddenly in the lobby of the hospital, startling the dark-haired nurse staffing the front desk. Before she could chastise him, he spoke urgently, “I need Dr. Ayame Higuri. It's an emergency. Her patient, Izumi Itasuki, has gone into labor at home, but there appear to be complications.”

Suddenly all efficiency, the white-clad nurse moved quickly to the phone, paging Dr. Higuri with the STAT code. She replaced the receiver and waited, curiously studying the silver-haired shinobi. Moments later, the phone rang. Picking up the receiver, she quickly relayed the message. Kakashi noted the tightening of her expression as she listened to the voice on the other end.

“I understand, Doctor. I'll do so at once.” Disconnecting the line, she looked at him soberly.

“Dr. Higuri is currently tied up in another emergency, but I'll page the on-call doctor.”

He nodded tersely, waiting while she punched the numbers. She replaced the receiver in its cradle.

Instead of the expected ringing phone, a man wearing green scrubs rounded the corner. He appeared to be in his late twenties, with short, brown hair, neatly cut. His eyes were a piercing blue, sharp with intelligence. His voice, though unhurried, was direct and to the point.

“What's the emergency, Hanna?”

The nurse, looking relieved to see him, nodded toward Kakashi.

“Dr. Ryusuki, this man was sent for Dr. Higuri, but she's dealing with another emergency at the moment. He says it's urgent, a complicated labor.”

Shifting his gaze to the masked shinobi, he caught the man's slight start at the mention of his name.

“Do I know you?” he inquired, instantly curious. The man seemed familiar, somehow.

“You are Enya Ryusuki?”

“I am.”

“I'm Kakashi Hatake. Soriya Kanzin sent me to fetch Dr. Higuri to Izumi Itasuki's bedside. She suddenly went into labor at home, but there is a problem. Will you come?”

The doctor's eyes widened at the mention of Soriya's name. He studied the ninja intently. “So you're Kakashi. Now I understand why you seem familiar, though I recognized your name by reputation, of course.” He did not elaborate further, leaving the Copy Ninja to ponder his meaning. “Yes. I will come at once.”

He directed the nurse, “Hanna. I'll be leaving for the Itasuki residence immediately. Please ask Dr. Higuri to meet me there at her earliest convenience. And page Dr. Yoto. Ask him to cover the calls here, as I'll likely be awhile.”

“Yes, Doctor.” Hanna nodded reassuringly at Kakashi, then focused her full attention on completing the doctor's instructions.

Ryusuki turned to Kakashi. “Let me get my bag. I presume you translocated here?”

The elite jonin nodded affirmatively.

“Good. It's saved us some time, at least.” The doctor spoke as he walked, trusting the ninja to follow as he went in search of needed equipment. “I cannot travel by that means, so our return will, by necessity, take longer.”

“Leave that to me,” Kakashi assured him, thinking that his chakra-enhanced strength should be more than sufficient to carry the trim doctor a few miles, if necessary. Though, if Ryusuki had traveled with a Retrieval Unit, he could likely keep the pace on his own.

Hang on, Soriya, Izumi. We're coming.

At the Itasuki residence, tension mounted. Soriya was finding it increasingly difficult to suppress Izumi's pain and the contractions. She opened a wider flow of chakra to the laboring woman on the bed, but knew she couldn't keep it up for long. Already, the telepath's breaths were coming in short gasps, perspiration trickling from her temples to her jaw. Yori reached across Izumi to wipe Soriya's brow with a cool cloth.

“You okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.

Not wanting to waste breath on a reply, she nodded once, sharply. Swallowing, she tried to smile reassuringly, pushing fear to the back of her mind.

Kakashi, where are you?

Just as she thought it, the approach of two people outside the house caught her attention. Instantly recognizing the Copy Ninja, she let out a sigh of relief.

“They're here, Yori. Let them in.”

The auburn-haired man left quickly to comply. He returned moments later, Kakashi and a scrub-clad man entering the room behind him. Soriya flinched, belatedly identifying the second mental signature. She'd been so focused on Kakashi's arrival, the doctor had not overly concerned her. But now, looking up from the bed, her hands tightened imperceptibly on Izumi.


Pausing on the threshold, Enya Ryusuki assessed the scene with a detached, critical eye. He sniffed, recognizing the vanilla scent in the air. It was only too obvious what Soriya was doing; he wondered if she realized the toll it would take on her.

Knew for a fact she wouldn't care.

Lips thinning, he stepped forward, availing himself of the antiseptic provided. Quickly donning surgical gloves, he strode to the end of the bed and knelt, addressing the patient. He ignored the glare the kunoichi shot him.

“Izumi, I'm Dr. Enya Ryusuki. Dr. Higuri has been delayed by an unavoidable emergency, but I'll take good care of you until she can get here,” he reassured the laboring woman. “Now, let me see how you're progressing.”

Bluntly, Soriya offered, “The baby's breech. I've slowed the contractions and decreased her pain, but...” she paused for breath, “it's getting harder to maintain precise control. The contractions are escalating--in frequency, strength, and duration.”

Panting, she hung her head, a long pigtail swinging forward to hide her expression. She seemed to struggle with herself a moment, then entreated softly, “Enya, please. Help her.”

The doctor offered a small smile, replying quietly, “It's why I came.”

Curiously, Kakashi observed the body language between the two. It was obvious their conversation was fraught with hidden meaning. The Hokage claimed that Soriya had tried to reject the medic-nin's healing, even to save her life. Yet now, she begged the doctor--by his first name--to aid her loved one. Clearly, they knew each other well, though it was apparent they were not exactly friends. Another mystery.

After this crisis passed, he would definitely be speaking with the good doctor.

Ryusuki sat back, withdrawing a blood-streaked glove from the woman on the bed. Gravely, he looked at Yori.

“I'm afraid the situation is serious. The baby is indeed breech, and one foot has begun to protrude from the cervix. The other leg appears to be wedged at an upward angle. I will have to perform an emergency C-section.”

Izumi whimpered. Yori's face grayed noticeably and he swallowed.

“Do what you need to do to save them, Doctor. Please,” he begged.

Nodding solemnly, the doctor turned to Soriya. She returned his gaze warily.

“Soriya. I understand that what I am about to ask is distasteful, especially considering our recent history. Believe that I would not ask it of you if it were not absolutely needful.” He stared at her intently, willing her to sense the sincerity of his words.

After a moment, she nodded. “Ask.”

“I want you to sense the baby's position and convey it to me, so I can safely make the incision. Can you do this?” His voice was neutral, but Kakashi thought he read sympathy in the man's blue gaze.

“You realize I will have to touch you,” she replied, voice low. “And you will be touching me.”

Gravely, he nodded. “I'm willing to risk it if you will.” His lip quirked wryly. “Also, I promise not to heal you afterwards, even if you need it.”

The kunoichi rolled her eyes at him, then sobered. “I may have to hold you to that. I've never tried splitting my concentration among so many.” Liar.

Restlessly, she shrugged her shoulders at the uncomfortable feeling she was forgetting something. She cautioned, “I may not be able to maintain it. You'll have to work quickly. Remove one of your gloves,” she added, as an afterthought. Settling herself more comfortably on the bed, she breathed in deeply, shoring up strength.

Not wasting any time, the medic-nin looked at Kakashi. “I'll need your assistance. Please open my bag and unroll the blue wrap, so that my instruments lie flat. Be ready to hand them to me as I ask for them. Scrub with the antiseptic first, then pass me the iodine.”

The Copy Ninja moved quickly to comply. Yori squeezed his wife's hand, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Everything's going to be okay. Try not to be afraid.”

Izumi turned fear-filled eyes to him, but only nodded, biting her lip. She looked at Soriya, who smiled reassuringly.

“Trust Enya,” she urged. “He truly is an outstanding doctor. One of Lady Tsunade's best. And I'll be with you, every step of the way.” Glancing over at the medic-nin, she asked, “Are you ready? Best not to wait, I think.”

Dousing the surgical field, Soriya's hand, and his bare left hand with iodine, Enya looked at Kakashi. “Scalpel.” As the masked shinobi handed him the instrument, he addressed Soriya, “Ready when you are. Tell me what you need from me.”

“Put your hand on her belly, right above where you want the incision,” Soriya directed. “Then wait for me. Don't touch me until I'm ready,” she warned.

Inhaling deeply, the kunoichi closed dilated eyes, thinning the stream of chakra to Izumi's mind. She winced in sympathy as the pain of the contractions surged, making the woman gasp. Not wasting breath or time to apologize, Soriya placed her left hand carefully next to Enya's, over the throbbing womb. Tenuously, she sent a fine net of chakra down into her friend's body, fixing the resulting image of the baby's position in her mind.

Now, the tricky part.

Slowly, so slowly, she twitched the fingers of her left hand over to Enya's, overlapping them. Connecting the net from the infant directly to Enya's chakra network, she asked tersely, “Get anything?”

The doctor closed his eyes, concentrating. “No. I can't see it.”

“I was afraid of that.” She grimaced. “I'll have to project the link directly. Get ready.”

Sending a thread of chakra from her mind to Enya's, the telepath took a deep breath, then dropped her mental barriers. Instantly, the power bucked and rippled, overwhelming her mind with too much data. She cried out, as flickering images from both Enya and Izumi assaulted her. Hunched over the bed, she squeezed her lids tightly closed, the onslaught of memories too rapid and mixed up for her to sort out. It felt as though she were trying to see out of three pairs of eyes simultaneously. Dizzy, she swallowed, jaw clenching against sudden nausea.

“Soriya!” Kakashi called her name frantically.

“Don't touch her!” Enya warned sharply, eyes on the straining redhead. She's juggling input from three minds; she can't handle a fourth. Give her time to stabilize.”

Kakashi stood over the besieged kunoichi as she battled to separate Izumi, Enya, and the infant, from herself. From what he could tell, the struggle appeared brutally intense. He ground his teeth in helpless frustration as a thin trickle of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth.

She'd bitten through her lower lip.

Minutes dragged by. The only sounds in the room: the groans of the laboring woman on the bed, and the rapid, hitching gasps of the red-haired telepath beside her.

Inside the pandemonium of Soriya's mind, a small island of darkness appeared amongst myriad images. She reached for it desperately. Sinking into blackness, the kunoichi felt blessed relief at the lack of images and coherent thought.

But not emotion, she realized.

A sense of confusion, and, and...outrage?

Suddenly, she knew where she was. The infant's brain knew no language, had no sight, but could still feel. Smiling in wonderment, Soriya greeted her niece.

Hello, little one. I'm your Aunt.

She projected tranquility to the tiny mind.

It's okay. I'd be confused and angry, too, if my home rudely started squeezing me, trying to push me out. Don't be afraid. Everything's going to be all right.

The infant's mind twitched in surprise. Soriya felt...curiosity?

You'll see me soon enough, little one. There are a lot of people out here anxious to meet you.

She relayed a sense of anticipation to the infant, along with a warm surge of affection. She was pleased to note the infant's consciousness seemed calmer.

See you very soon.

Drifting in comforting blackness, Soriya began to painstakingly reconstruct the mental pathway to Izumi. Envisioning a cobblestone path, she traveled along it to her friend's mind. She found, to her great surprise and relief, the tenuous connection still intact, if weakened. Sending a firmer thread of chakra to the brain and spinal column, she sank a fine mesh of chakra into the neurons responsible for relaying impulses from the lower extremities, temporarily blocking all pain sensation.

She smiled as Izumi relaxed, no longer in pain. The chakra nerve block wouldn't last more than a quarter hour, Soriya guessed, but she was unwilling to risk the paralysis a denser chakra mesh might cause. Fervently, she hoped fifteen minutes would be enough.

Gathering her mental “self”, Soriya raced back down the path to the void. Quickly and concisely, she threw up a barrier between Izumi and the infant's mind. Proceeding to build another road, she imagined symmetrical, white cement blocks and extended them toward Enya. Erecting a formidable wall of gray stone between the cobblestone and cement roads, she stood atop the barricade, scrutinizing it carefully for weaknesses.

It didn't budge or buckle.

Tentatively, the telepath reached down the road to Enya, projecting the image of the infant directly to his mind. She tried hard not to let miscellaneous thoughts slip through, but wasn't entirely certain she succeeded. Truly, at this point, she was just too tired to care.


Her strained, weary voice sounded in his head, startling him momentarily.

Take what you need, no more.

Sensing her genuine fatigue, Enya concentrated fiercely on the precise positioning of the infant. “Got it,” he grinned.

Smoothly, with no hesitation, he pulled the scalpel in a slow arc along the skin of Izumi's lower abdomen. The incision was perfect, and Enya shrugged off Soriya's hand, astutely noting the minute tremors coursing through her fingers. He pushed concern aside, focusing on the immediate task. Once the womb was opened, the delivery proceeded quickly, in textbook fashion.

Suctioning fluid from the infant's lungs, he caught Soriya's exhausted smile out of the corner of his eye. Her arms trembled with fatigue as she slumped back against the bed's headboard, but he thought she seemed different. Lighter, somehow.

He could not contemplate the change at that moment, because the baby in his arms let out an enraged squawk, then began to cry in earnest. Placing the red, squalling infant on its mother's chest, he expertly tied off the cord.

Passing the scissors to Yori, Enya proclaimed, “Congratulations. You have a precious little baby girl. Just snip right here,” he indicated to Yori, who snipped the umbilical cord cleanly through. The infant wailed again, causing the adults in the room to wince at the noise.

“She's healthy, and with an excellent pair of lungs, I might add,” Enya quipped. “Now, Izumi, let's get you closed up before the pain kicks in. You'll feel pressure, and some heat as I shrink the uterus and seal the wound. I'll leave you some pain medication. Take it easy for a few days. Your body uses a tremendous amount of energy to heal itself, and I'm telling it to do it faster,” the doctor explained. He glanced at the kunoichi.

“And you. You stay right where you are for the moment. Don't try to get up.”

But Soriya was not listening. All her luminous, gray eyes could see was the dark hair of the newborn life cradled safely in Izumi's arms. Tears spilled down pale cheeks unheeded. She smiled so widely, a hidden dimple along the corner of her mouth revealed itself. Kakashi, observing her, thought she had never looked more beautiful--sweat, blood, and paint notwithstanding.

Yori's moist hazel eyes shone with affection and gratitude. “Soriya, thank you. Thank you so much. Words aren't enough, I know. But--”

Tenderly, the weeping kunoichi extended trembling fingers to Yori's lips, silencing him. “No. No, Yori. Thank you. You and Izumi both.” She paused, searching for words to describe the wonder she felt. “That was the most incredibly difficult, wonderful, beautiful thing I've ever done. You can't know...” Her voice caught. She inhaled shakily. “I promise you that I will treasure the memory of this night for the rest of my life.”

Hesitantly, she lifted a shaking hand to hover over the dark head on Izumi's breast. At Izumi's encouraging nod, she stroked the crying infant's soft hair and skin.

And thank you, little one. You may have saved us all.

The baby, feeling the brush of Soriya's mind, hiccuped. Her crying subsided into adorable breathy noises.

Izumi looked from Yori to Soriya. She offered shyly, “If you agree, we'd like to name her 'Sumiko.' After you, Yori's mother, and Emiko. What do you think?”

The kunoichi drew a deep breath, smiling through her tears. “I think it's a beautiful name for my beautiful niece.” She leaned forward, kissing Izumi's forehead gently. “Good work, Mom. Now, get some rest.”

Turning, Soriya shifted her calves off the edge of the bed. She stopped as dark, trouser-clad legs appeared in front of her.

“And just where do you think you're going?” Wry amusement could not quite disguise the concern in the Copy Ninja's voice.

“Home, where else?” Soriya responded crankily.

“I wouldn't stand up if I were you,” he warned. “You'll probably pass out.”

Passing a hand wearily over her eyes, the kunoichi grunted. “Look. I'm exhausted. All I want is a bath, then bed.” She considered that briefly. “Maybe not even in that order. I'm going home now. Get out of my way, Kakashi.”

“Listen to him, Soriya,” Enya cautioned. “You're in no condition to be going anywhere. Just lie down for a bit.”

“Shut it, you!” she snapped peevishly. “And don't try slipping me an energy boost on the sly. You promised. Now, for the last time...” she threatened, pushing up from the bed, “get out of my way!”

Flattening her hand squarely in the middle of the Copy Ninja's chest, Soriya tried unsuccessfully to force him backwards. Suddenly, she halted, face draining of all color.

“Maybe this wasn't such a good idea...” she offered weakly.

Darkness rapidly advanced from all sides, and she swayed forward on unsteady legs. The last thing Soriya felt before consciousness traitorously deserted, was a strong arm closing around her. Then she knew no more.

As the stubborn kunoichi gained her feet, Kakashi sighed resignedly, readying himself to catch her.

Still headstrong as ever.

Mild anxiety gripped him when her face paled dramatically, but he was prepared when her eyes lost focus and she toppled forward into his chest. Gathering her close with one arm, he bent slightly, hooking his other arm under her knees. Lifting the redhead easily, Kakashi settled her head carefully against his shoulder, tucking it under his chin. He glanced at Enya.

“I'll take her home and put her to bed. You can handle things here?”

Enya nodded affirmatively, not looking up from his healing. “Go. I'll be up to check on her once Dr. Higuri arrives. She just needs rest. She used a lot of chakra with this working, but she should be fine in a few days.” He locked gazes with the Copy Ninja. “Believe me, she's been through worse.”

“We'll speak later,” Kakashi promised neutrally. Looking toward Yori and Izumi, he offered, “Congratulations on your beautiful little girl. Don't worry about Soriya; I'll stay with her until she comes around.”

“Thanks, Kakashi,” Yori smiled gratefully. “And thanks for bringing the doctor so quickly. Another debt I owe you, that I can never repay.”

“Don't worry about it. Just take good care of Izumi, Iori, and that new baby,” Kakashi enjoined, walking to the doorway. Turning sideways to pass through with his precious burden, the elite jonin's silver brow crinkled up as he winked. “See you later.”

Before anyone could respond, he was gone.

Minutes later, Kakashi stepped down lightly from the balcony railing, into Soriya's bedroom. Walking across the darkened room to the far wall, he carefully settled the unconscious woman on the gauze-draped canopy bed. Turning the bedside lamp on low, he sat beside her. The dim illumination emphasized the darkness under the kunoichi's lowered lashes; the shadows looked like bruises, contrasting sharply with her alabaster skin. He traced the curve of a cheek with his fingertips, marveling at the amazing woman before him.

The image of her bending over Izumi, struggling to coordinate three other minds had filled him with fear. Fear he might lose her.

It had required supreme effort on his part not to drag her out of danger by the back of her shirt. Heeding Enya's warning, he'd stayed his hand, trusting her to handle the situation.

And she had, magnificently.

Pride welled within him as he recalled her exhausted, but triumphantly beautiful face, smiling through joyous tears. This woman she'd become... Her strength and courage took his breath away.

Stroking the kunoichi's cheek once more, Kakashi set about making her more comfortable. He whispered a minor jutsu, uncoiling the snakelike dagger twined around her right calf. He placed the weapon on the nightstand, within easy reach, then tugged off the redhead's knee-length black boots. Next, he removed the kunai sheath concealed at the small of her back, sliding it under the pillow, behind her right shoulder.

No ninja ever liked to be caught weaponless.

Of course, he had no intention of leaving her alone in such a defenseless state. Having depleted his own chakra to dangerous levels on more than a few occasions, he knew how drained she must be. Still, she'd probably try to get up tomorrow and he'd have to threaten to sit on her to keep her abed. That approach would probably work for at least one day. After that, all bets were off.

She's even more stubborn than I was at her age.

Chuckling softly, he released the bands on the kunoichi's pigtails, freeing the crimson strands. Lifting her head slightly, he swept the heavy mass toward him, finger-combing the lengthy tresses. He'd always loved the vibrant color, and relished the silky feel of it in his hands. Secretly, he rejoiced that she'd let it grow over the years. He had conspicuously failed to add his voice whenever Natsu chided her about its length.

Sliding one of the bands over the thick mane in a low, loose ponytail, he added the second band about a foot down from the first. He recalled she often wore it that way for sleeping, preferring it over a braid. Staring down at the sleeping woman, Kakashi's groin tightened. He remembered how it had felt to hold her, touch her. Swallowing, he forced the amorous feelings aside.

Down, boy. Nothing here for you tonight.

Placing the ponytail beside the kunoichi, he stood up, pulling the blue and cream comforter over from the other side of the bed. Laying it gently atop her, he stepped back, glancing curiously around the room.

The cobalt walls were bare, as Soriya had just finished painting. He wandered over to the tall mahogany dresser. Honeysuckle scent from the flowers he'd given her wafted over him. He hesitated, knowing it would be wrong to invade her privacy. Still...she was hiding something. Something dangerous.

He needed to know what it was.

Deciding it was easier to beg forgiveness if he were caught, than to ask permission, Kakashi brought his hands together, performing a jutsu designed to detect traps.

Of course, I don't plan to get caught.

A soft glow emanated from the bottom drawer. Glancing back to make certain the dresser's owner was still unconscious, the Copy Ninja focused his concentration. Quickly determining the nature of the trap, he used the appropriate counterjutsu to disarm it. As he reached for the drawer handle, the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly rose, causing him to halt mid-motion.

Warily, he crouched down, looking under the dresser. Pulling a small flashlight from a vest pocket, he thumbed on the light. Reflecting back at him, a thin wire stretched from the bottom of the drawer to a spring-loaded aerosol can.

Hmm... Probably knock-out gas. Paranoid, aren't we?

Opening the drawer would yank the silver wire forward, triggering the release on the can's valve. Kakashi guessed the resulting cloud of fumes would be fast-acting and powerful enough to drop a snoop where he stood.

Clever. But I haven't got time for a nap just now.

With precise, delicate movements, he disconnected the wire, letting it rest against the floor.

Now, let's see what you're hiding.

Opening the drawer silently, the elite jonin commenced rifling through the contents. Spare kunai, shuriken, a coiled garrote, and various other weapons filled the space. There was a heavy bracelet made of dark-colored metal with a stylized “K” engraved on it's surface. Kakashi recognized it as the Kanzin clan crest. Flasks carefully labeled as poisonous, explosive, or acidic lined the back of the drawer, innocuous hair sticks lying next to them. Nothing appeared out of place, until he encountered a familiar black box. It was the flat, square container for the choker he'd given her.

Curious as to why she would hide it away, he opened the lid. Unsurprisingly, it was empty, as the choker was securely wrapped around Soriya's throat. Disappointed, he moved to replace the top, when something white caught his eye. A thin slip of paper seemed to be trapped between the box edge and velvet insert.

Carefully removing the lining, Kakashi discovered a folded note tucked inside. He opened it, scanning the contents. His eye widened, words on the paper striking him in the gut like a physical blow. Rereading it more slowly, he tried to absorb the impact of the note's sentiment.

My dearest Kakashi,

If you are reading this, then I am most likely dead, having failed in my quest. Please forgive me for causing you pain. You always thought my obsession unwise and dangerous. It seems, to my sorrow, that you were right after all.

I deeply regret that I never got to thank you for this beautiful choker and photo. It showed me just how well you understand me, and how much you truly care. Believe that I do know how much you care.

I wish I could have taken your gift with me on this mission, but I cannot, in safety. So I leave it with one I trust, to deliver it to you should the worst occur. Perhaps he can find the words to explain what was in my heart. Though I think you already know.

I wish I could see you, hear your voice one last time, but it was not to be. I hate that my last words to you were ones spoken in anger. Know that I thought of you every day, and wish, with all my heart, things had turned out differently. The grief you suffer...believe that I am sorry for it. I never wanted to hurt you this way.

Help Yori and Izumi through this, if you can. Tell them both I love them. Hopefully, they already know it in their hearts. You should know it, too, although I never said the words. Now, there is no time. Perhaps it will be different for us in another life.

Farewell, my love. I was always and ever, yours.


Kakashi gritted his teeth, fist crushing the thin paper. Stalking over to the bed, he stared down at the unconscious woman, stricken by unfamiliar emotion.

He knew, had known of her feelings, of course. She had never tried to hide them. However, he had not thought her aware of his regard. Not truly. He'd been cautious in concealing his affection, disinclined to take advantage of her trust and relative youth. Being seven years her senior, the difference had mattered a great deal to him at the time--a gap that seemed insignificant now. It appeared he had definitely underestimated her perceptive abilities.

Briefly, the Copy Ninja wondered how their lives might have been different had he been honest about his feelings. Would she have continued to pursue her quest for vengeance? Would she still have become this powerful, yet heartbreakingly fragile woman before him?

What if she had died, Kakashi? What then?

His heart constricted painfully in his chest.

That will NOT happen. I won't allow it. Not now. Not after I've just found her again.

His resolve firmed, as he finally admitted to himself that he loved her. Loved her so deeply and desperately that the intense emotion frightened him. He was terrified of losing her. He hadn't been able to cope with the fear years ago, cutting ties with her in an effort to spare himself pain.


But somehow, she had known, and forgiven his lack of courage. This brave, headstrong, loyal, beautiful woman.

How could she even think of dying on him?

He wanted to shake her awake and kiss her breathless. Then make love to her over and over, until all she could do was cry out his name. The shinobi's hands opened and closed reflexively, as he struggled for control of his emotions.

She will never, ever have cause to send me such an awful letter.

Angrily stuffing the crumpled paper into his pocket, Kakashi replaced the box lining and lid. Moving to the dresser, he restored the drawer's contents exactly, then shut it, carefully restringing the wire underneath to the aerosol can. Lastly, he recast the trapping jutsu, leaving the dresser just as he'd found it.

The activity calmed his tumultuous thoughts. Breathing deeply, he rolled head and shoulders, attempting to relax the tension he felt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared down at the kunoichi, debating whether he should wet a cloth to clean her face. Dried blood and blue paint adorned her chin and jaw from earlier.

Or am I just looking for any excuse to touch her?

A sound from below the balcony outside made the decision for him. Moving swiftly to the shadow of the doorway, the elite jonin crouched, hand on the hilt of a kunai. He did not draw it. After a moment, he straightened.

“Come on up, Dr. Ryusuki,” he invited smoothly. “You and I have much to discuss, I think.”

The medic-nin vaulted the railing, landing gracefully in a three-point stance. Smoothly rising to his feet, he greeted the Copy Ninja.

“The Hokage told me to expect you, though I admit, I hadn't pictured such a dramatic scenario as the one this evening.” Blue eyes glinted briefly with mirth, then sobered. “Yes. I believe I know what you seek. I'll help as I can, though I don't have all the answers, unfortunately. Certain aspects of the situation I still don't understand myself.” He shook his head in frustration. Clearly, the doctor was not a man who tolerated ignorance, particularly his own.

“But first, let me check our stubborn patient.”

Kakashi stepped aside, allowing the medic-nin entry. Moving to stand over the unconscious woman, Enya lifted a hand to her forehead. In a flash, the silver-haired shinobi was beside him, gripping his wrist firmly.

“She said 'no healing',” he warned, staring into the man's startled eyes. “She meant it.”

Wisely, Enya did not resist, keeping his arm limp within the protective jonin's grasp. He spoke evenly, holding the other man's gaze.

“I will not heal her. I gave my word, and if you knew me, you'd know that my word means something to me. And to her. She accepted it, after all. I merely wish to check her vital signs and determine just how much chakra she has depleted.” The blue eyes did not falter, and after a moment, Kakashi released him.


Nodding acceptance of the proffered apology, Enya rested a palm against Soriya's brow. Calling chakra, he stared down at her with a medic-nin's assessing eyes.

Standing off to one side, Kakashi watched the redhead's face for any sign of agitation, but she slept on, undisturbed by the contact. After a minute or two, the doctor's hand withdrew.

“Physically, she's fine, other than the chakra drain. And her own hardheadedness, of course.” His mouth quirked upwards in a half-hearted smile. “Judging from past experience, I'd estimate she should be off her feet for at least three days. Which means she'll likely insist on being up and about in half that time,” he finished wryly, shaking his head. “Good luck getting her to take it easy. I never had much success in that department. Obedience is not one of her more noteworthy traits.”

Kakashi nodded, unconcerned. After all, he had leverage that the good doctor could not bring to bear. He thought about how he would enjoy applying it, if she pressed him. Aloud, he said, “Tell me about this 'past experience' with her. You were the healer Ibiki Morino used during her training, correct?”

The medic-nin ran a hand through short hair asking, “Mind if I sit? I've been on duty for over fourteen hours now, and I'm pretty tired.”

Without waiting for a reply, he walked to the small padded chair near the French doors. Hooking it with a foot, he pulled it over, turning it to face the masked shinobi, who leaned casually against the edge of the bed, arms crossed over his chest.

Settling into the chair, Enya sighed in relief, letting his head fall back a moment. He answered approvingly, “The Hokage told me you were pretty sharp. I'm glad to know your reputation does you justice.

“Yes, I was the healer assigned to work with Soriya, under the direction of Ibiki Morino. The training was highly classified, and the Hokage did not want just anyone 'laying hands' on Soriya, for obvious reasons.”

“What do you know of her power?” Kakashi queried.

“A complicated question. I'm not even sure Soriya knows the extent of what she can and cannot do.” He paused, then added quietly, “Therein lies a large part of her fear, I suspect. It's why she took so readily to the training. She desperately wanted a way to lock the power up inside herself. And we provided it, though perhaps not as reliably as we thought.” He frowned.

“You are aware that she is an empath, able to sense emotions at a distance. She can also read minds through touch, a skill known as 'contact telepathy'. The longer the duration of physical contact, the more information she can access. A brief touch might only allow her to glean surface thoughts. And with a well-trained mind, actively resisting, it is possible to shield against her temporarily. But not indefinitely, we found.” His expression was rueful, as if annoyed at some inner failing.

“She was amazingly powerful,” he marveled. “I imagine this has only increased in the intervening years. In fact, I know it has, judging by the scene we found when we were sent to retrieve her.” He paused, fixing the shinobi with a piercing gaze.

“You understand her mission parameters?” he asked.

Kakashi did not immediately reply. Finally, choosing his words carefully, he answered, “I know she infiltrated the palace of the Takamori monarchy, in order to obtain information, and ultimately, assassinate Prince Mujito and his Chief of Security, Yukio Ryuji.”

“Correct. But do you know how she was able to accomplish this?” the medic-nin pressed. “She was granted entrance to the palace to serve as a concubine for the Prince's harem.”

Kakashi stiffened. He had known, of course, the likely role she had played. Realistically, it was the best way to utilize her power to its fullest extent, without undue suspicion. And shinobi were always free to refuse such missions. She had clearly chosen to accept.

However, he didn't have to like it.

Tsunade had taken care not to throw it in his face. She knew he was not a fool. Gritting his teeth, he responded brusquely, “I suspected as much. Go on.”

Knowing he had misstepped, but not sure how, the doctor eyed the Copy Ninja warily. After a moment, he continued.

“Apparently, Soriya had no difficulty obtaining information from the Prince. But it was Yukio Ryuji she wanted. Being supremely suspicious of everyone, and totally loyal to the Prince, he was a problem. Soriya was unable to devise a way to get inside his head. Due to his skill and power, she felt it unwise to attempt to take him down alone. It's part of the reason the mission dragged on for so long. If she killed Mujito, all chance at Ryuji would be lost. And, for reasons you already know, she wanted him, badly. So she waited, biding her time.

“Emiko and Natsu sent word to the Hokage periodically. Emiko posed as a flower vendor, who had occasional access to the palace. Natsu was able to infiltrate Ryuji's army of rogue ninja as a guard. I believe Soriya's original intention was to use Natsu's position to lure Ryuji into a trap, then kill him after using her gift on him. Once he was out of the way, assassinating Mujito would be simplicity itself. But it all went horribly wrong when Emiko was captured.” Enya blew out a breath, rubbing his jaw tiredly. The sorrow in his blue eyes made him appear much older than his twenty-seven years.

“I was sorry to hear of her death. I liked her. Soriya must have been devastated.”

Thinking back on the kunoichi's memories of that tragic event, Kakashi commented, “Something puzzles me. How was she able to speak with Emiko over a distance? I was under the impression her telepathic power only worked through touch.”

“That was something we discovered quite by accident, as it happens. The blood bond.”

Kakashi's eyebrow quirked in curiosity.

“Blood bond?”

“Yes. It was during a routine training exercise. Soriya was in hand-to-hand combat with a member of ANBU black ops. The agent had her pinned and was trying to smother her. To avoid blacking out, she bit him, drawing blood. The damage she inflicted enabled her to break free, knocking him back and away. She got to her feet, and I remember she had this devilish grin on her face...

“The next thing we knew, the agent was unconscious on the ground, though a distance of at least ten meters separated them. Soriya was not able to replicate the trick on anyone else without touching them. The blood she inadvertently ingested was the only mitigating factor. The agent suffered no permanent injury, just a migraine headache.

“Though, we now know Soriya is capable of killing with this power.” He closed his eyes, thinking of Emiko.

“How exactly does it work?” Kakashi asked, intrigued.

The doctor's voice assumed a scholastic tone. “By ingesting a small amount of a person's blood, Soriya is able to form a temporary telepathic link that can stretch for several kilometers. The bond lasts only a day or two, and, when activated, drains chakra at an alarming rate. More rapidly as time and distance increase. And it has some inherent limitations, being a one-way initiation only. That is, only Soriya can initiate contact. The recipient cannot reply to her unless she establishes a connection with chakra, which she must then maintain. It's probably why she didn't realize Emiko had been taken until it was far too late,” he concluded grimly.

“Once her teammate was killed, Soriya chose to move forward with Prince Mujito's assassination. I understand, as I was present at her debriefing per the Hokage's request, that Ryuji had been showing signs of interest in Soriya in recent months. She encouraged him, although she took great care to do so subtly; he remained staunchly loyal to the Prince. She contacted Natsu, informing him of her intentions, warning him to be ready to flee.

“She and Natsu did not have a blood bond, by the way,” Enya looked at the Copy Ninja. “She used cats to communicate with him, on the rare occasions she felt it necessary to do so.”

“I'm surprised,” Kakashi remarked, puzzlement evident in the arch of silver eyebrow. “Summoning ninjutsu require an enormous amount of chakra. How was she able to avoid detection?”

“Ah. You've not witnessed her summoning jutsu, then?” Enya surmised. “She does not require the blood contract most ninja have with their summoned creatures. I suspect this might have something to do with her gift, or, more likely, the particular nature of the animals she calls. They've always been rather peculiar. You've heard of Bathsheba and Ra?”

Kakashi's visible eye widened. “The ancient cat demi-gods? You're sure? I'm not aware of any shinobi who could claim to reliably summon and control those two. Not even Tsunade trifles with them. They're notoriously capricious; one cannot depend on their cooperation--contract or no.”

The medic-nin smiled. “I told you, she does not bind them with a blood contract, per se. She will tell you--quite smugly, I might add--that Bathsheba and Ra chose their patron. Not the other way around. She claims they like fresh salmon, and having their heads rubbed.”

At the Copy Ninja's incredulous look, he swore, “I'm not making this up! Anyway, she says one or both of them just appear when she calls. Mostly because they are curious. Though, even Soriya admits they are occasionally unreliable. They have no qualms about refusing a task if they find it uninteresting. She takes care to ask for their help only rarely, and seems to simply enjoy their company. I think she has a genuine affection for them. And they for her, if truth be known. It's a very odd relationship,” he mused, shaking his head. Kakashi still looked dubious.

“You'll see. They'll show up here eventually. She likes to have them with her when she's injured. We couldn't seem to keep them out of Psych during her recovery. Eventually, we just stopped trying. Their presence often calmed her when nothing else would,” Enya remembered.

“But I am jumping ahead. Getting back to Soriya's plan to kill Mujito... By making his death look like an aneurysm, she was able to slip out of the palace before Ryuji realized the Prince was dead. Taking Emiko's body, she and Natsu fled to Wind Country's eastern border. Soriya thought it likely Ryuji would suspect Mujito's death was no accident, especially once she disappeared. She intended to lay a trap for him, using herself as bait.” Enya's expression was grave.

“I know Natsu argued vehemently against it. He felt Ryuji was too dangerous, and they should send for help from ANBU black ops. Soriya admitted as much, during the debriefing. They had a fair lead on Ryuji's forces and could have escaped to safety. Though she never said, I suspect they had help from an unknown quarter in slowing the pursuit.”

Sand ninja. The masked shinobi's eye narrowed. “Why did Natsu summon the Retrieval Unit?”

Shrugging, Enya replied, “Soriya could only remember that she gave him an ultimatum—leave Yukio Ryuji to her and go for help, or fight her on the spot. Natsu did not want her to face Ryuji—he must have suspected her plan. But he couldn't convince her to abandon that part of the mission. Soriya was determined to avenge Emiko; she could not let it go. And she still wanted an opportunity to glean any information regarding her past.

“Being practical, Natsu opted to quickly go for back up, hoping it arrived before Soriya could confront Ryuji. He was certain the rogue ninja would kill her, so the message he sent the Hokage was accordingly dire. She dispatched the RU immediately, commanding me to accompany them. My orders were to do what was necessary to preserve Soriya's life, if at all possible. When we arrived on the scene, we were stunned at what we found.”

The medic-nin closed haunted eyes briefly, lost in memory. He shook his head, as if to clear it of unpleasant images.

“The Hokage no doubt told you of the twenty unmarked bodies of Ryuji's men. I was unable to determine the exact cause of death through cursory exam, and there was no time for a formal autopsy. Ryuji himself...” Enya hesitated, unsure how to describe what he had seen. After a moment, he ventured, “You understand, this is now mere conjecture on my part. Only Soriya knows the truth of the actual events, and this she has suppressed deeply in her subconscious mind. What I tell you from this point is just my best interpretation of the evidence at the scene.”

Kakashi nodded his understanding. His stomach knotted unpleasantly. He knew he would not like what he was about to hear.

Enya's tone was solemn. “It looked as though Soriya succeeded in ensnaring Ryuji with her plan,” the medic-nin hesitated, eyes sliding uneasily away from the jonin's hooded gaze. A muscle worked in his jaw, as he steeled himself to look back at the masked shinobi.

“There is no way to soften this, so I'll just say it. Due to injuries she sustained, it appears she was forcibly raped by Ryuji.” Enya watched the Copy Ninja intently for his reaction.

Face gray, Kakashi stared down at the woman on the bed. His jaw clenched, left hand fisting in the comforter. He felt sick.

She deliberately set herself up to be used that way. To get the information. For revenge. Gods.

His eye closed as he ground out, “Continue.”

“During the, uh, act, I suspect Ryuji realized his imminent danger and tried to throttle her, judging by the bruising around her throat. We were previously aware of the unusual strength of his mental defenses. Soriya must have encountered great difficulty in penetrating them, rendering her unable to adequately subdue him. She sustained a severe concussion and a broken nose during the struggle, not to mention her larynx was nearly crushed. I'm guessing Natsu returned in the middle of all this,” Enya surmised grimly. “He did not stop to engage the guards, but went straight for Ryuji himself.” Blue eyes fixed on Kakashi. “I know what the Hokage fears. I'll tell you what I told her--I don't believe it. And after meeting you, I'm convinced you don't either.

“I think Ryuji stunned Soriya, probably with a blow to the head. So she was unable to prevent him from using the crossbow, which he had most likely taken from Emiko when he captured her.

“He shot Natsu in the throat at point blank range. Natsu died within moments, I'm certain. The bolt's poison was fast-acting, but the sheer amount of physical trauma from the projectile itself was catastrophic. Blood loss alone would have killed him.” He glanced at the unconscious woman on the bed.

“But that murderous act was Ryuji's last. Because then, all Hell broke loose.” The doctor looked at the masked shinobi. “You know of the Eight Gates of Chakra Limiting, of course.”

Warily, Kakashi nodded. At the moment, he didn't trust himself to speak. How much worse could the story get? He found it difficult to leash his anger, but was frustrated by the lack of a viable target. Sorely, he regretted Ryuji's death. He wanted to rip the man limb from limb with his bare hands! With effort, he pushed the rage aside, focusing on the medic-nin's words.

“Normally, the Gates act as valves, or restrictions placed on the body, preventing undue strain, or even death, from overexerting the chakra network. As a jonin, you are surely aware of forbidden techniques, such as the Lotus taijutsu move, that allows one to force open the Gates. This override of the system grants the user unimaginable power, at the risk of permanent injury. For example, strength can be increased to such a level that the body's muscles literally tear themselves apart under the stress. If the Eighth Gate is breached, this results in death.

“I believe Soriya, at the shock of Natsu's death, was somehow able to instantly force open the first four Gates: Opening, Rest, Life, and Pain. Fortunately, she stopped there. But the resultant amplification of power literally ripped Ryuji apart. Her chakra poured through his system, causing nerves, internal organs, and bones to rupture violently.

“Basically, she blew him apart from the inside out. It was, as you can imagine, rather messy.” His blue eyes were flat and cold. “Frankly, I thought it a fitting end for that bastard.

“What I can't explain, however, is the deaths of the twenty rogue ninja. I speculate Soriya's vastly augmented power advanced, tearing apart the minds of everyone present in the immediate vicinity. Perhaps she was not strong enough to mangle the bodies at this point, or perhaps it was merely Ryuji's physical proximity that led to his gruesome end. We may never know.

“But, by the time we got to Soriya, she was completely drained of chakra, choking on her own blood. The head trauma, in particular, worried me. I healed her throat and the concussion. But it quickly became clear all was not well with her mind. Yet I could not locate the source of any physical damage.”

“Tsunade told me she tried to refuse the Greater Healing,” Kakashi offered somberly.

“Yes. And had she been at greater strength, she may have been able to fend me off,” he admitted. “But as it was, she was in no condition to mount even a token resistance. And I had my orders. Even if she had fought me, one could argue I had an unfair advantage in having healed her many times before,” he trailed off pensively. At the jonin's quizzical look, he elaborated.

“You must understand that healing is an intimate act in many ways. The laying on of hands often reveals as much about the healer to the patient as the inverse. With Soriya's gift, this effect is unavoidable, and magnified. Knowing this, I was able to use it to my advantage. Of course, it was crucial she sensed that I truly wanted her to survive.” He smiled ruefully.

“She's really a soft touch under that tough facade. She knew I'd be devastated if I were unable to save her. She couldn't bring herself to deliberately inflict that pain on me.” Keen blue eyes pierced the Copy Ninja.

“I tell you this because it may aid you in the future. I get the distinct impression this whole sorry mess isn't over yet. Be willing to exploit any hold you have on her to keep her alive. She tends to be somewhat reckless, very stubborn, and extremely careless of her own well-being, as you can plainly see.” He waved a hand at the prone figure on the bed.

“Were you ever able to determine what was wrong with her? I know she spent most of her recovery in Psych,” Kakashi commented.

“To this day, I'm still not certain of the precise nature of the problem. Believe me, it rankles,” the medic-nin frowned.

“As Soriya's chakra began to return, she started raving, as though she were hallucinating. Only the things she said made no sense. They were disjointed. Disconnected. Almost as if they were not her own ideas at all, but a jumbled collection of thoughts from other people. The favored hypothesis supposed that, in destroying the minds of Ryuji and his men, she accidentally stripped and absorbed their memories. Probably surface thoughts mostly, if I had to guess.” His face reflected awe and amazement.

“It's a miracle she didn't go insane. How her mind coped with the overload of information, I'll never know. Perhaps that's why she's suppressed the entire incident. The brain will often resort to such measures to protect itself.

“However, it does worry me. Eventually, the events are bound to leak out, affecting her in ways we can't predict.” Concerned, he added, “I understand now why there was such a high incidence of madness and suicide in her clan's history. And she's the first we know of with this level of power.” He sighed.

“I kept her in a coma-like state for most of the trip back. I had no choice. Her power was unstable, lashing out at me and the RU members who took turns carrying her. We all suffered violent migraines and terrible nightmares after having close physical contact with her. I've often wondered if the nightmares were memories taken from Ryuji and his men--bleeding off from her, so to speak. The brain's way of expunging useless data.” Enya grimaced. “It was highly unpleasant, believe me.

“Once we arrived home, I assisted Psych in slowly nudging her back to consciousness. At first, she exhibited the symptoms she'd shown in the field: uncontrollable thrashing, screaming, hallucinations, etc. She had to be physically restrained from attacking the staff. We woke her only for short periods, at first. Then, she began to have brief moments of lucidity, when she seemed to grasp we were trying to help her.

“I was very thankful for this, because up until that time, she would not permit anyone other than me to touch her. The headaches she gave some of the Psych staff were so severe they had to be hospitalized. And I was feeling frazzled, the effects of constant nightmares taking a toll on me.

“During one of her more lucid moments, she summoned Bathsheba and Ra to her side. The psych-nin were intrigued at first, but quickly became disenchanted when it was clear the cats had no intention of leaving, or allowing access to Soriya.” The doctor smiled. “I found it amusing, to tell the truth. And since their presence soothed her, helping extend the amount of time she retained clarity, I argued strongly for their presence. Fortunately, the Hokage agreed with me. And Soriya continued to show steady improvement.” He paused, considering.

“I'd give a lot to understand just what kind of powers those cats possess. I'm fairly certain we have them to thank for her progress. After a couple of months, it was decided she could be released from Psych, but they did not think it wise to approve her return to active mission duty.” Somberly, Enya looked at Kakashi.

“Considering everything she's been through, I'm not sure she'll ever be fit for normal duty again. Especially not deep cover work. But ultimately, that decision lies with the Hokage and Soriya herself.”

Kakashi stroked his cloth-covered chin. “At the moment, I'll be happy if we can just keep her out of the hospital,” he remarked dryly. “I appreciate your telling me all this. I'll think very carefully on all you've said.

“And now, I have just one more question.” The Copy Ninja scrutinized the doctor intently. “Soriya's help wasn't 'absolutely needful' to deliver Izumi's baby as you claimed, was it?”

For a long moment, the man so challenged did not reply. Rising to his feet, he walked to the balcony doors. Turning slightly to expose his profile, he answered obliquely, “The more ties that bind her, the better. She has to want to survive. And I never said it was absolutely needful for Izumi's sake.

“Soriya needs to realize that her gift is capable of more than just killing. As is she. Besides...we all fight harder when we have something to protect.” He turned an intelligent eye on the Copy Ninja. “Wouldn't you agree?”

Touché” Kakashi touched fingertips briefly to headband in a salute, as the medic-nin leapt to the railing.

Speaking over his shoulder, Enya advised, “I'd get some rest if I were you. You'll need it to cope with her tomorrow. She's a bear when she's tired, dirty, and hungry.” Offering a casual wave, the man jumped off the balcony, landing lightly on the packed earth. Quietly, he moved off into the trees, heading toward town.

Rising to grasp the back of the medic-nin's vacated chair, Kakashi set it beside the bed. He sat, staring down at the sleeping woman. After a moment, he gently took her left hand between his own. Maybe doing so wasn't wise, but he wanted her to know he was here. That he wasn't going anywhere.

Not this time. Never again.

Settling himself more comfortably, Kakashi listened to her soft, even breathing while he contemplated the information pieced together from various sources. A vague suspicion was brewing in the back of his mind. It made him uneasy.

What he needed were answers.

He would press Soriya to confide in him once she recovered. A talk with Ibiki Morino might also yield results. That meeting was probably overdue. Gently squeezing the kunoichi's hand, the Copy Ninja prepared to pass the remainder of the night's vigil in silence.